

Please send your donations for the following funds of the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj

1. General Fund 10. Tattwakaumudi Fund
2. Library Fund 11. Indian Messenger Fund
3. Publication Fund 12. Sadhan Ashram Fund
4. Building Repair Fund 13. Calcutta Congregation Fund
5. Mahila Bhavan Fund 14. Brahmo Samaj Relief Mission Fund
6. Balya Bhavan Fund 15. Mofussil Brahmo Samaj Fund
7. Medical Aid Fund 16. Mission Fund
8. Indigent Brahmo Family Fund 17. Brahmo Samaj Education Society Fund
9. Charity Fund 18. Hindu Widows' Home Fund

Please send the donations in A/c payee Cheque or Draft favouring "Sadharan Brahmo Samaj" and send it to:
The Secretary,
Sadharan Brahmo Samaj,
211, Bidhan Sarani,
Kolkata - 700 006